until the time when it sets,
you are on my mind and this
you should not forget.
Your problems I will press away,
sadness I will shove away…
Photo source: ilikewallpaper
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Hari Negi
jungwoo yoo
Beautiful… +Jendhamuni Sos good morning?
Emmanuel Onyia
Gudmorning sos! Beautiful sunset.
Prabhu G
Wonderful picture and beautiful lines
Jayant Sahu
Beautiful morning Js
mia river
Beautiful saying and just as beautiful picture 🙂
Animesh nandi
Nice post..with magnetic loves
harmeet bahra
good morning
Sajjad Ranjhani
good morning
Ravi Nithy
hi jen good morning
Syed Mostafa
Good morning
khuram shahzad
Ajay Agnihotri
Thanks Jendhamuni for your kindness. .beautiful day ahead.
Jayesh Thakkar
Thanks and good morning Sos.
Jendhamuni Sos
+Jayesh Thakkar Good morning. Wishing you a peaceful and beautiful day.
Annette Marie Harlow
Again u inspire us all Jen
Jendhamuni Sos
+Annette Marie Harlow Late night for us already, my dear. Wishing you and Me a peaceful dream! Sweet smiles for you too.
Jayesh Thakkar
Same to you and thank you again.
Abdulkarim Mohamed
Hi goob morning.
Ashok Vaidya
Good morning
Shiju Thomas
Good ,have a nice day
Jendhamuni Sos
Many smiles for you +Shiju Thomas
Kausar Ansari Ansari
Good morning
sanju shrma
Nice wiue
jabed babu
No shove you need shovel…
B. alby
Good morning; amazing post.so lovable words . Ha ve a nice day. Thanks.
Iftikhar Hussain
Dickson Adam
Nice moon….
Achinta Bhattacharya
What a sunny day
Jose Lukose
Good Morning Sos. Nay "Khublei"
pramod jain
gm. pal
David Gery
Words so awesome along with beautiful photo
Mayur Shah
So Beautiful!!!!
Bumble Bee
very nice
Bobbyvipparla Bobby
nice morning
anu mutayala
Very nice mes good morning dear
Ernest John
U look beautiful
Diana Rose
so soothing and calming,good day Jen
Gayasuddinr Rizwana
Gayasuddinr Rizwana
Bumble Bee
good sunset time…
Alicia Calimlim
beautiful sunset good morning sister jen .
ramkrishna sarkar
The universe is getting wormt, can you feel it?
sopha hunedu
I never forget the promises that are important.But if normal
Forgotten because the human brain can not remember all. That's why Create a library for research and industrial free
weekend reading books other documents.
I like when the sun near sunset.
prodip haloi
Just a request,don't say lie….have a nice day..
Jendhamuni Sos
+prodip haloi This post is not written by me. I posted this to share with my gplus friends who can relate to this message. It is not my words.
Kundatiri Nagaraju
Hi friend
damaris stephens-pindea
love it
Kundatiri Nagaraju
How are you
thanks buddy.
Bumble Bee
sunny sight…
Ali Shan
2heart on sand
Bumble Bee
with soft sunshine is the sunrise…
Mohammad Nawaz
Mohammad Nawaz
how RU dear
Bumble Bee
good sun rise..
Sue Huntley
Beautiful sunset
Sheikh Waqas