Lawmakers in a French National Assembly committee voted earlier this week to officially elevate the legal status of animals from mere “personal property” to that of “sentient living being”.
The law still must pass the full Assembly and Senate, but animal rights organizers are optimistic that it will move forward given the antiquated language in place now. Under current civil law, animals receive the same treatment as objects, report TheLocal.fr.
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Good morning
Jendhamuni Sos
+庄野一徳 Good morning.
dave hitesh
Adeshkumartyagi Adeshkumartyagi
Jendhamuni Sos
+Adeshkumartyagi Adeshkumartyagi Good morning.
Dwight Preston
Good morning Jen,what do you think,to living being nice sweetie:-) 🙂 🙂
dave hitesh
Elenia Apal
Good morning jen
Charles van Dijk
Bon jour. 😉
Deepak Mahajan
Love animals
Deepak Mahajan
Man is not faithfull but animals are
samir nassir
Animals deserve love & respect , thanks .
Julius Bell
That's a good start for the human species.
Alicia Calimlim
+Jendhamuni Sos Hi sister pleasant morning . hope ur day was good. i just get up sis.
Jendhamuni Sos
+Alicia Calimlim Sweet morning, dear sis. Was busy making smoothie and cooking!
Alicia Calimlim
+Jendhamuni Sos What did u cook sister. it seems like yummy food.
jay nargass
Right thing
Krystal Cucuzza
Totally agree wit ya Jendhamuni Sos…100%. 🙂
Maria Szennyai
Oh, little lovely dog…l
John Smith
Just great another city raised radical animal rights retard.
Mohammad Nawaz
Naipal Singh
hi is a buty full pic good evning all
Angela Joan
So cute
so cute