to complaints nor fear.
With our eyes on our goals,
the right direction we steer.
No matter the circumstances,
with great effort we should always try.
We must pick ourselves up,
when we get bruised and we cry.
Opportunities are plentiful,
let's just open our eyes.
Our dreams we shall nurture,
as we stare to the skies.
The trick is to create value,
that's honest and real.
By following our passions,
in our hearts, we shall feel.
If we never hold back,
and just give it our all.
No challenge or obstacle,
shall ever be tall.
Poem title: Give It Our All
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Rana Singh
Superb post my friend +Jendhamuni Sos :)))
Jendhamuni Sos
+Rana Singh Going to read your posts now.
Rana Singh
Better after 30 min coz i learn my friend +Jendhamuni Sos i am going for dinner my friend :))) please :)))
Alan Slade
Peace and love in the Purple Reign +Jendhamuni Sos
Jendhamuni Sos
+Alan Slade Thanks so much, Alan. Everything reminds me of my little sister now.
Ranjan Jayarathna
hi…how are you.
Aadil Butt
Nice jay wellcom back
Jendhamuni Sos
Thank you +Aadil Butt
place nice
manee pradhan
good night
parvaneh m.z.d
Very very nice
sanjiv kaushal
My Friend… Water in Every Picture of Yours…Can I ask you …the reason…! If you feel ok…then
Jendhamuni Sos
+sanjiv kaushal I'm doing perfectly fine. I love water, very calm and peaceful. Thanks for your concerned.
sanjiv kaushal
True… Thanx for sharing This Beautiful Thought… !
Jendhamuni Sos
+sanjiv kaushal You are most welcome.
Namdev Gopale
manal farooqui
Kismath Mohamed
How are you? how about the work..have a nice day
Jendhamuni Sos
+Kismath Mohamed
I'm doing fine, dear. Back to my regular schedule now because of winter. I miss all of you a lot.
Mo. Waseem
Hi nice
Dominique Lamidieu
Dear Jen I believe in my dreams sometimes they come true ! Like you I like water: the sera, the river it´s like the wind in a bambou, very calm.
Jendhamuni Sos
+Dominique Lamidieu
I feel just the same. Very nice to see you.
Alan Slade
+Jendhamuni Sos And may it always be so: Little Wings ought always to be seen and remembered. Take care ^-_^
Jendhamuni Sos
+Alan Slade
Thank you! I will visit your page later. I'm traveling so slow on gplus.
Alan Slade
+Jendhamuni Sos Me too…there is so much real work to be done and time presses: my page is quite facile I think, do not bother; but contemplating your nirvana is peaceful 🙂
zahid hussain
jungwoo yoo
Nice photo… +Jendhamuni Sos
Pieter Hibma
You can say that again. One small step can be a leap into eternity.
Sophie Goodman
u write really good
Rosemary Rojas
Hi my dear friend +Jendhamuni Sos, I'm happy to see your post, very positive, take care.
Jendhamuni Sos
+Rosemary Rojas I just got back, dear. I'm happy to see you too. Sending you many smiles.
Robert Ward
hi beautiful what's up
Jolene Geiss
+Ranjan Jayarathna
Robert Ward
Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone
mokhles abubaker
so sadness
Shipu Gupta
nice pic
Tariq aziz
vvvv nice
mokhles abubaker
kill me
mady sach
nice shot