My country is the world, and my religion is to do good. ~Thomas Paine
Compassion is the flowering. And when compassion happens to one person, millions are healed. Whosoever comes around him is healed. Compassion is therapeutic.
You can also call compassion prayerfulness. You can also call compassion meditation. The highest form of energy is compassion. The word compassion is beautiful: half of it is passion – somehow passion has become so refined that it is no more like passion. It has become compassion.
In compassion, you simply give. In love, you are thankful because the other has given something to you. In compassion, you are thankful because the other has taken something from you; you are thankful because the other has not rejected you. You had come with energy to give, you had come with many flowers to share, and the other allowed you, the other was receptive. You are thankful because the other was receptive. ~ Osho
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