Solitude is the soil in which genius is planted, creativity grows, and legends bloom; faith in oneself is the rain that cultivates a hero to endure the storm, and bare the genesis of a new world, a new forest. ~Mike Norton
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vipul rajgor
very bad
Ashok kumar
Faith can move the mountains.Only one has to pray and place areason before God by making efforts-ashok
Stacia Thomas Bello
Faith in self and also in god. Beautiful quote
Zaheer Ahmed
Dangerous pic
Kishor Parmar
Save trees. If u planted today become giant tree after 25 to 50 years.
Ajaz Ali
Alas how badly we are destroyed forests
Jayesh Thakkar
Very nice.
Nil Kalloli
Ashok kumar
+Kishor Parmar aapne mere munh ki baat cheen li-ashok
Udaya Kumar
loosing the forests
abulkher maiha
Very pretty to see
Annette Marie Harlow
Kinda makes me sick to see this…l know what that feels like. My parents sold some of our property and now the buyers have trashed it. Sickening
CP Sharma
Think once??…
Prasad Davids
Creativity grows in solitude
Ajay Kumar Vishwakarma
So sad destroy to the nature
najim japa
Samson Ong'era
Arif Khan
Any development which is based on termination of anything or anyone it must be condiment.
Helal Uddin
Helal Uddin
Ma. Elena Centeno
Hello jen.thank you inspiring message
Helal Uddin
Thanks my friends i love you too
Cammin Sykeo
Hey nong
Amado Alberto Alvarado Cabezas
Solitude,,,,,,Just yesterday those giant trees were greeting the sky, hosting birds and giving balance to the mother Earth. Now, they are living the forest, quietly, silently,,,they're living home in solitude
Ashok kumar
+Amado Alberto Alvarado Cabezas nice thhought,must be appreciated-ashok
Raj Raj
Ashok kumar
jadav pyang ji india community mein hain .us site pr mera kafi likka hua hai-ashokkhपर्यावरण संरक्षणxxx
1 जागो अब ऐ दुनियावलो
आई विपदा भारीxx
बढ़ता प्रदूषण है नष्ट कर रहा
जीवन व्यवस्था हमारी
2 ज्ञानियों के निकट चलो मेरे भाई
उनसे ज्ञान सुनो चित लाई
सारे मिल कर आगे आओ
बढ़ कर पर्यावरण बचाओ
3 लालच बुरी बला मेरे भाई
नीयत में न हो खोट
है बहुत जरूरी रोकना
जनसंख्या का विस्फोट
4 ऐसा विकास जग में बढ़े जो पूरी करे जन मानस की आस
ऐसा विकास किस कम का
जो पर्यावरण का करे विनाश
5 साफ़ ईंधन का प्रयोग हो
प्रक्रिया दक्षता में सुधार
पुनर्नविकृत ऊर्जा का प्रयोग बढ़े
तकनीक में हो सुधार
6 जल थल वायु साफ हों
न हो ध्वनि प्रदूषण
ग्रीन हाउस गेसो का उत्सर्जन घटे
न खनिज और वन सम्पदा का अति दोहन
7 ग्लोब्ल वार्मिंग से न बदले
अब ये सारे मौसम
जग में बस कायम रहे
प्रकृति का सन्तुलन
8ओद्योगिक कचरे से जल स्रोत बचें
न हो हवा का प्रदूषण
स्वस्थ निरोगी जीवन हो
बने साफ वातावरण
9 अब जल की बरबादी रुके
हो ऊर्जा का हो saMrXaNa
अपशिष्टों का शोधन हो
न वन तथा खनिजों का अति दोहन
10 जागरूक जन मानस हो
जो समझे स्थिति की विकटता को
अपना पूरा सहयोग दे
और हल में भागीदार हो
Ashok Kumar
rest shall be given if you like it
Samnang Chum
I'm sorry to say this but or forests will continue to wane because there is profit to be made by those at a higher level. Only the "Strong Man" who rules with an iron fist can give such orders to allow such devastation and humiliation of our forests to be pillaged.
Ashok kumar
Gandhiji has said,there is sufficient on earth to satify the needs of people,not its greed–ashok
Leonard Lee
Solitude and faith prepares the spirit for growth.
Samnang Chum
Corruption and greed will overpower the spirit of growth long before another seedling can fully blossom.
Leonard Lee
+Samnang Chum The only choice is the choice within us. Please do not surrender hope.
Pravin Moon
Today’s world no one can fulfill the wish modern man. The work and wish are function like two side of coins i.e. matching oppositely nobody know nature earth only wallpapers on smartphone is enough, results as captured.
Shiju Thomas
We hope so