Forgiveness is not only a virtue, but also an act that creates remorse & makes a better person of the person forgiven. It also wins you a friend.
Spread love large heartedly. Spare no one human beings, animals, nature and innate things. Reciprocation will start sooner or later from all living things and ultimately you will end up winning hearts.
Source: wikiHow
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Gary Jackson
Very appropriate. My soul agrees.
Geoffrey Okot
Very true, nice flower.
Loveandjoy Andhappiness
Thanks for sharing…
Julius Mwaniki
A very good post Jen. Have a wk~end filled with love
Carlos Bation
Inspiring post Ingat
Lawalabdul Dauda
True Words
frankie mercer
I've tried in this society and it's hard to be patient, take a breath, count to 10. in thi changing society, good/bad things happen so fast and are soon forgotten, or we are soon forgotten. Namaste…
Loveandjoy Andhappiness
It's not important that we are forgotten or remembered…but it is important that our love lives on in the lives of our children…friends…and remember that things planted will continue to grow. We gave got to get to the place where what we are really striving for is love and peace. Everything else will settle into its place then.
frankie mercer
I understand such, but the percentage of bad then good is great We try to make our world a better place in a world that's the worse
Kirit Shah
peetala swarna Kumar
yes dearest jendhamuni..
David Gery
Good morning Jendhamuni, words so true, beautiful and touching. If only more people felt this way toward others, hope you have a wonderful Friday.
raja rbn
raja r b n
Ajay Agnihotri
Very perfect lines and beautiful flower! Good night Jendhamuni and have a peaceful sleep.
Alicia Calimlim
Spread love to one another.
Meenakshi Sharma
Very nice Jen.
Jeaneth Meparanom
Sami Kouvonen
Jendhamuni Sos
Lovely words honey. And a good reminder not to forget the times of own trial. Thank you!
Jayesh Thakkar
Forgiving is the right way to rectify a person. I think you are enjoying sound sleep Jen.
Lucia Regidor
nice ur post
Ram Niranjan
Thank you dear for inspiring post, GOD bless you
Reg Dawn
Thank you dear sister for the most beautiful share. Have a beautiful Friday and a happy weekend. Hugs 🙂 +Jendhamuni Sos
Carlos Bation
I love 3 red roses i like UR post
Corrina Fraser
thanks jendhamuni
Sami Kouvonen
Just do not push it too far.. This has known to happen too..
Elvis Presley – Return to Sender [HD]
Ask what you need. No more. Keep it simple 🙂
Shilah chemutai
Refilwe Hope
Veer kowe
lovely røse
Veer kowe
lovely røse
Muhammad Fiyaz
Sami Kouvonen
Sami Kouvonen
Jendhamuni Sos
But there is a limit to the privilege of it. If you have only responsibilities cause your are privileged. You are not privileged. You are a slave. For those who get`s your attention and spit in your face. And you do it again and again. Why? No more..
Sarady Kim
j' Ador rose ,magnifique
mowdod ahmad
Thanks for good post.
Amit Dolai
So nice
Sunil Suri
Yes j
Ijeoma kanu
Very true words