Those who attempt to conquer hatred by hatred are like warriors who take weapons to overcome others who bear arms. This does not end hatred, but gives it room to grow. But, ancient wisdom has advocated a different timeless strategy to overcome hatred. This eternal wisdom is to meet hatred with non-hatred. The method of trying to conquer hatred through hatred never succeeds in overcoming hatred. But, the method of overcoming hatred through non-hatred is eternally effective. That is why that method is described as eternal wisdom. ~Gautama Buddha
Photo source: Keefers animation
wow………… mind blowing…………..
Styven Huckaby
Gorgeous photo
Lovely and enlightened qoute
Renu Agarwal
Hi Jendhamuni,Good Morning
Renu Agarwal
Hi Jendhamuni,Good Morning
Renu Agarwal
Hi Jendhamuni,Good Morning
Pieter Hibma
Even when you fight you dont hate. Loose you cool you loose the fight against a professional.
Ronald Harris
Thanks u for this jendhamuni Sos
Raj Bhoyedhur
You are love eternal.You are a blessed soul +Jendhamuni Sos
prakash b
Hatred cant be replied wd hatred
Hate whom to hate
Y to hate
Wt fr hate
If one hates u how u can also.hate him
Your hate reply wd hate is nt a solution fr your happiness
Bcs all your happiness will be buried under the hate of u
Move away from the hatred give him
Time fr goodness to prevail over him
Sure it will
An oneday he will know his mistskes
An value of u
Hatred always spread venom
Wd love u can drink even.venom
Poison that will nt finish u
Bt that will furnish u wd light of glory thats life dear thats happ8ness
Beautiful post gd morning
Ronald Harris
Hello enjoy your Friday morning and enjoy your day
Danny Green
All you need is is all you wins over hatred.john lennon wrote those words.he was killed by hatred.his death brought the world together in love to remember him.for blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called children of god.
Timothy Mckiness
I know I know my army is bigger than your army so on so forth but they all end up dead and more angry and hateful then in the start. It never ends up good.
Marc Brown
I believe you 100%…. but I am not sure I could not take up arms … I guess this makes me ignorant. Honest at least, but ignorant.
Amitofo!so nice……….
Solomon Fahey
Yes wise sistren brethren Solomon will prusue this eternal wisdom Guatama Buddha speaks of thank you for sharing this wisdom.
Naandkumarr Bagwe
Ghazi Riman
So true thank you and have a nice day ahead:)
biswajit dey
Beautiful picture
Good morning sweet Friend Jendhamuni
kulwinder singh
hi;;;;;;;; nice;;;;
Shiv Rawat
nice reflation
vijay mahajan
Whay a scene?
Sachin Patel
wonderful beautiful
joseph amanfo kankam
A very wonderful day has come let all come together nd say God we thank u oooooo
ompal shakya
good morning
timothy cullen
Another beautiful photo and wisdom.
vijay mahajan
Ahinsa pemo dharma
Mori Hitesh
Honey Shalu
very beautiful
vijay mahajan
Sallute to nature
Geetha Mangalampati
chance illa…its amazing…
lokesh varma
its beutiful
Mohana Priya
Ram Raya
Bamigboye Kolawole Joseph
Nice , beautiful picture . Good morning !!!
Randy Maine
Hate can often be attributed to the actions that earn it
Nathya Malar
krunal pethani
very nice….
Shashi Singh
wow i like very much & i lke land scape
ErRa aTika
Kevin Gilmore
Smile and the whole world smiles back . Beautiful sunset thankyou:-)
raj doshi
Appukanna Kanna
so cool
Vijay Kumar
wow yar
hosein mohammad pour
Shahzad Ahmed
Kiya Cheez
sneha sharma
Vry nice
Sasikan Koetmolee
nice pic
manee pradhan
Very beautiful
Amar Dayma
very good
dinesh khairnar
vivek gairola
This is what we think about it and how we feel it
myca cortez
beautiful lovely .i realy like see dat kind of view
Sagar Uttarde
myca cortez
rajesh gupta
Arya s
sushma konathala
soooooo nice
zeeshan rehman
lovely picters
dobuol tang
Lovely and good seeing picture
leonard muinde
buddhi pokharel
So sweet
koppara.rajendra Prasad
What a God Creation
ibrahim oli
Nice ad
Ajay Rathore
vary nice
rajesh kumar
Supta Chowdhury
y"r choose is very nice.
Vikas Birajdar
hosein mohammad pour
ghosh bishowgit
vicky kumar
I never seen like this
Anil Verma
beautifull seen
Mirchi Eben
wonder what is god?
Nabwire Joan
wooow wonderful
osama shams
Gr8. I like it
Vincent Hodgson
I think it is the best of all
Zi Tao
看著夕陽西下 一切煩惱皆拋惱後
sidra sid
Paula Goulet
Ohhh Very Very Nice
Amitava Banerjee
Really Nice
osama shams
Beautiful. Show natural scne.
Zi Tao
I like it
afandie opluz
halo how are you ??
vinit sontakke
Terri Martinez
Wow, amazing
Radhakrishnan Deepam
Terri Martinez
How true is that?
Hemanshu Worah
In 1950 an important early biography of Gandhi called “The Life of Mahatma Gandhi” by Louis Fischer was published. Fischer used the maxim again while explaining the concept of Satyagraha, but he did not attribute the words to Gandhi. This cite appears in the YBQ [LFLG]:
Satyagraha is peaceful. If words fail to convince the adversary perhaps purity, humility, and honesty will. The opponent must be “weaned from error by patience and sympathy,” weaned, not crushed; converted, not annihilated.
Satyagraha is the exact opposite of the policy of an-eye-for-an-eye-for-an-eye-for-an-eye which ends in making everybody blind.
You cannot inject new ideas into a man’s head by chopping it off; neither will you infuse a new spirit into his heart by piercing it with a dagger.
ref :
khadija Ahmad
Terri Martinez
"weaned from error by patience and sympathy," that's the best words I've heard in a long time and words to live by!!!!
purushottam markad
Honey Shalu
i like
Dr. Maria Saleem
Really amazing
Hanuman Patel
Amit Patel
Wow so sweet yaar mind blowing