I am only one, but still I am one.
I cannot do everything,
but still I can do something;
and because I cannot do everything,
I will not refuse to do something I can do.
So happy to see you here too, my dear +Chadamas Plainkim I just came to post this morning and had to run back to work. Taking a short break from editing right now.
+Jendhamuni Sos I think you left your homeland 38 years ago. How much longer will it take before you don't call it your homeland any more. I think it has to do with the circumstances, I went home to the Netherlands for 6 months once had a good look and found myself a stranger in the place where I was born, upon returning to Australia I noticed the smell of the evaporation coming out of the gum trees recognise the sounds of the animals, at night I can see actually the Milky Way in the sky knowing I'm home.
+Charles van Dijk I left my country in 1979, when the Vietnamese invade the country. The Khmer Rouge took over the country in 1975. So I left my country only 34 years ago, not 38:)))) Thank you so much for sharing your story, Charles. So interesting. I never viist my country that long at all. The most is 8 or 9 days.
+Jendhamuni Sos+Charles van Dijk Your home may change many times in your life time, but there is only one place of birth no matter how long ago. Good Weekend 🙂
+Mark Moshchinsky Yes place of birth it is very personal, granted the last wish of a Russian who had a jar of Russian soil to be put in his grave for his funeral. I would never do a thing like that, but a wish is a wish. Have a nice weekend also.
+Mark Moshchinsky Don't know what you mean. The affinity of your place of birth varies between individual and individual. Jenda's affinity seems to be a lot stronger than mine that's all, but seemingly it is more culture based. I admire her devotion to her religion how she explains it all in her dignified way.
This site is a tribute to Buddhism. Buddhism has given me a tremendous inspiration to be who and where I am today. Although I came to America at a very young age, however, I never once forget who I am and where I came from. One thing I know for sure is I was born as a Buddhist, live as a Buddhist and will leave this earth as a Buddhist. I do not believe in superstition. I only believe in karma.
A Handful of Leaves
Tipitaka: The pali canon (Readings in Theravada Buddhism). A vast body of literature in English translation the texts add up to several thousand printed pages. Most -- but not all -- of the Canon has already been published in English over the years. Although only a small fraction of these texts are available here at Access to Insight, this collection can nonetheless be a very good place to start.
Major Differences
Major Differences in Buddhism: There is no almighty God in Buddhism. There is no one to hand out rewards or punishments on a supposedly Judgement Day ...read more
Problems we face today
Of the many problems we face today, some are natural calamities and must be accepted and faced with equanimity. Others, however, are of our own making, created by misunderstanding, and can be corrected...
Brian Garth
Nice that is real is it gets
Balram Panikkaserry
Nice quote. Wonderful photograph +Jendhamuni Sos .Thanks for sharing this Jendha.
Nader B
That's beautiful Jendhamuni 🙂
V.B Reddy
eevry day..one beautiful pic…one beautiful qte…..thank you +Jendhamuni Sos
Keith Charles
Very nice +Jendhamuni Sos thanks for sharing.
Chadamas Plainkim
True , dear friend. Glad to see you.
Anatoliy Urbanskiy
stunning light!
Charles van Dijk
Thanks for sharing.
Seevali Nalava
nice photo
Mohsen Ahmed
very true
Rasidin Nasser
Nice sunset…
Jendhamuni Sos
Thanks +V.B Reddy
Jendhamuni Sos
Thank you for stopping by +Rasidin Nasser
Jendhamuni Sos
Thank you for the visit +Balram Panikkaserry
Jendhamuni Sos
+Mario BRUNO Thank you so much for stopping by and the kind words. Wishing you a most lovely day.
Jendhamuni Sos
Thank you for the visit +Brian Garth
Brian Garth
Your welcome
Jendhamuni Sos
So happy to see you here too, my dear +Chadamas Plainkim I just came to post this morning and had to run back to work. Taking a short break from editing right now.
Jendhamuni Sos
Thank you so much +Nader B Wishing you a peaceful day!
Jendhamuni Sos
Thanks so much +Anatoliy Urbanskiy
Jendhamuni Sos
Thank you +Bhante +Seevali Nalava
Jendhamuni Sos
Have a wonderful day +Mohsen Ahmed
Jendhamuni Sos
I thank you for reading +Keith Charles
Jendhamuni Sos
Thanks always, +Charles van Dijk
Mohsen Ahmed
+Jendhamuni Sos thanx you too
Jendhamuni Sos
Have a wonderful day +Mohsen Ahmed
Mohsen Ahmed
+Jendhamuni Sos you already said that
but thanx again and you too "again"
Jendhamuni Sos
+Mohsen Ahmed That's a sign of getting old:))))
Kenneth Chow
My dear +Jendhamuni Sos You did too much already, set a reachable goal & give yourself a break you may live more happier & healthier :-))))
Osvaldo de Aguiar
Vê pode ser apenas um,mas um com muita vontade ajuda uma centena!
Danny Thesan
Great words Jen, have a great week-end.
Reg Dawn
Thank you my dear Jendhamuni.
beautiful picture and great words.
Have a good night dear.
Jendhamuni Sos
Thank you so much, my dear +Reg Dawn
Busy all morning, finally another break here.
Going to visit you now.
Jendhamuni Sos
Thank you so much +Reg Dawn You too, have a most pleasant weekend.
Jendhamuni Sos
Thank you for the kind advice, my dear +Kenneth Chow !
Reg Dawn
Thank you. …..with joy and happiness…..Yes.
Jendhamuni Sos
Yes, my dear +Osvaldo de Aguiar One plus one and so forth, will change the world.
Will Meinhart
That's really a very perfect picture….
And a good quote 🙂
Livin M.Miranda
Took time to understand d quote 🙁
Charles van Dijk
+Jendhamuni Sos About my time zone. It is easy I think we are 12 hours ahead. Your breakfast is our dinner.
Mark Moshchinsky
+Jendhamuni Sos The power of ONE !
p.swarna kumar
so..beautiful…dear jendhamuni…
Jendhamuni Sos
+Charles van Dijk Just like the time in my homeland,Cambodia. Now easy to remember.
Jendhamuni Sos
Thanks for the link, +Mark Moshchinsky
Charles van Dijk
+Jendhamuni Sos I think you left your homeland 38 years ago. How much longer will it take before you don't call it your homeland any more. I think it has to do with the circumstances, I went home to the Netherlands for 6 months once had a good look and found myself a stranger in the place where I was born, upon returning to Australia I noticed the smell of the evaporation coming out of the gum trees recognise the sounds of the animals, at night I can see actually the Milky Way in the sky knowing I'm home.
Jendhamuni Sos
+Charles van Dijk I left my country in 1979, when the Vietnamese invade the country. The Khmer Rouge took over the country in 1975. So I left my country only 34 years ago, not 38:)))) Thank you so much for sharing your story, Charles. So interesting. I never viist my country that long at all. The most is 8 or 9 days.
Mark Moshchinsky
+Jendhamuni Sos +Charles van Dijk Your home may change many times in your life time, but there is only one place of birth no matter how long ago.
Good Weekend 🙂
Vernon Laviolette
that is so beautiful ..words
Charles van Dijk
+Mark Moshchinsky Yes place of birth it is very personal, granted the last wish of a Russian who had a jar of Russian soil to be put in his grave for his funeral. I would never do a thing like that, but a wish is a wish. Have a nice weekend also.
Mark Moshchinsky
+Charles van Dijk you lost me here ?
Charles van Dijk
+Mark Moshchinsky Don't know what you mean. The affinity of your place of birth varies between individual and individual. Jenda's affinity seems to be a lot stronger than mine that's all, but seemingly it is more culture based. I admire her devotion to her religion how she explains it all in her dignified way.
Mark Moshchinsky
Ok got it. Thanks
mady sach
nice sunset,nice colors
Today is Good Enough , Very Beautiful Picture , Mario + 1 !