Every parent wants the same thing for their child — to be happy, healthy and to know that they’re loved. Sure, in this instance, the parents in question have four legs, fur and a staggering inability to resist that last dinner roll that you left out on the counter. Also, the babies are human. But the sentiment remains the same! Species differences aside, those who view themselves in a parental position wish their charges only the best of things.
Dogs are pretty well known for feeling like the babies in their lives are theirs to look after. For example, did you know that pit bulls were once referred to as the “nanny breed?” This behavior has roots in a dog’s desire to please and their understanding that they belong to a family unit or “pack.” They observe the nurturing behaviors in us to love and care for this little being, and they instinctively want to be a part of it, usually creating priceless moments of bonding in the process that last a lifetime. Source: One Green Planet
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