Tears: Raju visibly emotional as he is rescued
Raju the elephant was beaten, abused and forced to go hungry until animal charity workers rescued him last week.
For 50 years Raju the elephant was held in chains, beaten and abused – a pitiful site with his legs bleeding from spiked shackles and living on handouts from passing tourists, writes Sarah Arnold in the Sunday People.
He was so hungry he would eat plastic and paper to fill his empty stomach. Video and full story
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Uday Joshi
Welcome a NewDay With a
On Your
In Your
."Thoughts ".
In Your
And You Will
Have a Wonderful
."."" DAY "*".*".
Good Morning my Friend
Tejvir Yadav
Neo Nouvelle
poor child…
Roskin Ahmed
Stop this kind of cruelty
Tejvir Yadav
Geetha r
Raghav panday
That's great,,,,,
Carlos Bation
Wow kahabag habag
nandita nag
Why are human beings so cruel?
Darren Koopman
Same dont like what I see..poor thing how could people abuse a animal yor!!!! Sad
Muhammed Nasir Uddin
Good morning
ghiasuddin ahmed
GOD says "Man born ingrate" _ HOLY KORAN! ( in my humble way i say "Born cruel'' needs to b cultured.
Jayesh Thakkar
Every living being has a right to survive with freedom. Good morning Jen.
Darren Koopman
Morning my dearest..yes that's true
Chuckowry Maneesha
Gdm Jendhamuni SOS, it's a pity how can human being so cruel with an animal. Thks to the charity worker who saved Raju. I hope all is fine now. Have a nice day.
Charles van Dijk
Yep 50 years too late.
Darren Koopman
Thanks dear
sriman kamma
Humans are most cruel animals than any other in this world
logan raj
Oh my god..
bob abade
good morning geetha R
Maria Fernandes
I thank the guys who saved Raju! Good work guys…!
Darren Koopman
Brilliant baby
Terry Nganga
Too bad
ifeanyi jombo
Could this story be true?…50yrs n still alive…hmmmm
charuhas mudvedkar
The who did this to him should be hangd
rohit kumar
So bad
Donna Nguyen
Beautiful Raju. May you live the rest of your days in peace.
Darren Koopman
Lol don't take note of them only tease me!!!!think they jealous
Ja'Nice Heredia
rescued? oh, thank heavens. I hate chained animals. why have them in the first place? it makes no sense to keep animals totally captive if they cant have any personal freedom.
Ntumeh Molelle
Why humans are so cruel to nature
Jon Wagema
How cruel , it is unbelieveable such act human brutality can continue for so long .
Darren Koopman
Yes so true!!!
Ashwani Kumar
Very sad, thnx to charity workers, cruelty against animals great concern
praju raju
Very nice
Cruel, evil, torture
Marissa Ledesma
Kevin Newlan
I say turnabout is fair play,find the s.o.b. and chain him for the next 50 years.
Maria Szennyai
Oh, my God….
rebeka sakthi
ya jendh i read this news was not great,its really touching how happy will be raju,thier are many raju is their hope GOD will help them.
Congratulation! That's a dangerous game.
Congratulation! That's a dangerous game.
Maria Szennyai
Poor Elephant, what an awful thing….
Marie B
M Walker
I really pray that this beautiful ,peaceful animal will finally have some peace ,kindness and love in its life now and plenty to eat ! Now how about someone chain the people who mistreated the elephant ! I pray from this day forth nothing but good things for Raju !
Edemar Poa
Carson Culberson
And there's a God.
Marissa Ledesma
Sorry about that cool thing only if y read what you posted. :'(
Marissa Ledesma
Poor elephant
Visith Sok
What have I done to you.
Made you treat me this way all I have for you is love respect and obey you
Inreturn you put me In chains and given me no food or water. How it feel if I doing it to you my friend even we don't speak same language I know love is. Are you my friend.
Marissa Ledesma
Y don't think you have to suffer
Markos Louiz Kambauvas
Estamos precisando de uma grande Terceira Guerra Mundial para reciclar a humanidade ! Já passou até da hora, mas ela verá sem dúvida!
Nasir Jakariya
Indaia poonch
Maria Szennyai
I am wondering, that it was not realised for 50 years?…
Eva Andonoska
gbolahan oseni
man's selfishness and wickedness has no boundary
Eva Andonoska
Markos Louiz Kambauvas
K Must Jesus Christ put in the ass a big penis, those who support this idea ! Amem ! The penis of Jesus has power !