Granted, sometimes terrible things happen and I am not suggesting that we ignore them as if nothing was wrong. Denial is not a solution! What I am saying is that projecting negative emotional energy will not help the situation. The worse a situation is the more it needs your positive energy.
Your outlook on life is your decision. Decide to be positive in spite of everything, and watch what happens. You can decide in favor of yourself even in the face of bad news. It’s a decision, your decision. Don’t take my word for it, try it out for yourself.
Find out that being positive in spite of the noise will bring you more and more things to feel happy and positive about. Become a magnet for positive energy by being positive and optimistic. Make it your goal to become the most positive person you know and influence others for the good. Become an inspirational lighthouse of positive energy. You have the power, so don’t be afraid to use it.
By Jonathan, Advanced Life Skills
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ravi rajan
sriman kamma
Positive thinking and attitude is most importent in our life
sundas waseem
Soo sweet thanks.
Perooru Jaru
Nobody controls our feelings right, but nation, religion, surrounding controls our independent. Then we control our feelings means what?
Ashok kumar
Kishan Sondarva
Very true. Gud qoute dr Jen..very very butyful red rose pic…hv a ♥ly day n tc God bless u…!!!
Andrea Jones
I love it
Elizabeth Simoes
Elbin George
very pretty
Raghav panday
I like it jen , I'll do that thank you ,,,,
Alabama G Man
Thanks I have a close friend who needs this . Mawh! My dear friend. ;-))
Rana Singh
Lovely post my dear friend +Jendhamuni Sos Happy weekend to you :)))
Good Morning My Friend
Loveandjoy Andhappiness
Yes, to strive to be positive is admirable, but I'm learning to be more realistic. Some people are just happy campers by nature and that's fine. We need all kinds in this world. Busy day ahead, so need to rest. Peaceful rest/ peaceful day to you.
Gp Chouhan
Catherine Casinto
aditi dedge
"Nobody controls your feelings except you." That is absolutely not true.
Jessica Cheshire
My friend really needs this thanks
vasu hrr
Lovely nice gift
mahi yadav
Anuprobha Kazi
Very nice!!
nida narag
Debbie Nebo
Yeah you are right
Shahid Usman
Sudha Rani
very nice your written this
nou sinuon
Ratnakumar Lohar
Sameera Ameer
exactly ,very meaningful and reality of life.
Nandanavanam Bindu
Jendhamuni Sos
Have a wonderful weekend +Nandanavanam Bindu
Anuprobha Kazi
Very good advise!!
Shahid Usman
Priya Chaudhary
Sally Delamerced
Ratnakumar Lohar
Hi sweet
Raja Riaz
Jessica Calep
positive thinking + positive attitude= healthy living! This is great!
Sally Delamerced
Of course!!
Ulhas Khare
Very very .Fine
Man is condition by his enviroment…so stop telling stories/lies.
Chitra Khilnani
Terrible things don't happen sometimes not when you are still alive because you are that terrible thing which falls on my good everyday if you are bent upon being terrible then I give you my word I won't be any less
The more negative you throw on me the more negative you will get from me . Don't forget I am your mirror image what you think and how you plan is not a secret anymore. All that you are doing is harming me but many others around me too including you just like you don't care I have stopped caring no satsang and definitely no new friends I would rather waste my time throwing acid on you
priya j
Diksha asthana
a beauty
Myrna Harris-martin
This thought really encourage me and I hope it goes for many more people
Urvi Jain
Urvi Jain
I so luv it!
Swayandipta Das
Very nice….
Jendhamuni Sos
+Rana Singh Thank you so much, Rana!
Rana Singh
You're welcome my friend +Jendhamuni Sos :)))
Jendhamuni Sos
+Rana Singh Always a surprise to see Rana on weekend. I got to stay home this weekend. There was a fatal fire nearby my house [a block a way] killing 7 people. Five are Cambodian, the young parents and three young children, more than ten injured.
Urvi Jain
Omg so sad jendhamuni sos!!:(
Urvi Jain
Hope they are fine.
Jendhamuni Sos
+Urvi Jain About 50 have no home. Seven of them died already.
Raghav panday
Very sad ,take good care of yourself ,
Rana Singh
That's very sad news my friend +Jendhamuni Sos ..
Tonight i go home .. at present I am at my work place and network is also good .. that's why I am here with you …
Jendhamuni Sos
+Raghav panday Yes, it is. The entire city has been morning. Some of my relatives lived their too, but they survived.
Jendhamuni Sos
+Rana Singh I see. Wow, you work on weekend, Rana?
Rana Singh
I have 6 days working my friend +Jendhamuni Sos :))) Tomorrow is off day :)))
Jendhamuni Sos
+Rana Singh Hmmm…. not so bad, at least you got a day off! 😉
Jaswant Sidhu
Just try and control your feelings
Safa Azhar
I love it
Rana Singh
Yaa you are right .. During project commissioning I face no off … But that will compensate in terms of Out Door duty by my boss … On whole enjoying my works lot
rupavathi vathi
V nice
Jendhamuni Sos
+Rana Singh Good for you, Rana.
Is that ice on the Rose?
Kaia Adams
Rana Singh
Thanks dear … after an hr i will move to home tonight … My little angles are waiting eagerly dear +Jendhamuni Sos ")))
Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
Jendhamuni Sos
Jendhamuni Sos
Rana, have a most wonderful time with your little angels +Rana Singh
No one control your feeling but vagina monthly pain. If you don't have a vagina then you are condition and control by your enviroment. Women will cause a bloody enviorment so BEWARE.
+Jendhamuni Sos Ok 🙂 THANKS
Rana Singh
Thank you my friend +Jendhamuni Sos :))) My elder angle is fan of your posts and pic … always asked about posts and profile pic of her SOS aunty :))))
Jendhamuni Sos
+Rana Singh Awww, how cute! So happy to hear that, Rana!
Rana Singh
Ok dear friend +Jendhamuni Sos time to move now … see you soon … Till Stay happy and blessed .. Bye bye :)))
Esther Aba Agyiriba Amoah
Sara Zinnera
Lovely rose
Sara Zinnera
God bless you +Jendhamuni Sos
Urvi Jain
I wl pray for them
pramod kumar patra
So beautiful
Nicole Hughes
love this post.
Md.jawed.ahmed Jawed
Hi how are you looking with you
Christine Maldonado
Love it!!
Md.jawed.ahmed Jawed
Hi how are things in my opinion
Carlos Bation
Good morning jenh a good sunday more beautiful post
violetta maliszewska
+Perooru Jaru I am very positive person, but somehow I became a rebel against corrupted zionist governments and banks and their agenda to destroy freedoms and morals. 🙂
choudri.Tahir pk
choudri.Tahir pk
choudri.Tahir pk
Shriprakash Pandey
Darren Koopman
Wow!! So true♥♥
Blessing Ruth
Thomas Farr
Jendhamuni you r so beautiful, so right I believe positive thoughts do work in different ways for all of us thank y enjoy ur Sunday
vavilala satheesh
Chooo chweeeet
Darren Koopman
Wow!! Okay
kiran malik
Muhammad Ahmad
v nice
Chip Apanui
You can never be happy when ugly things happen every day. Israel and America dealing to the Palistians annexing there lands you mongrels
Chip Apanui
And what is the great sky father doing about it nothing sitting in his almighty throne loving himself and all your loving praises wake up folks this is reality
Darren Koopman
Wow!! It not a matter of people. It's about us why must we saffer no that's not right
Darren Koopman
But at the end of the day I'm alone so afraid…it scares the hell out of me.Thats why I told you think about the future dear…don't even knw if you really love
Christine Summers
Very beautiful words.