Bridge of Love

God is building
A Bridge of Love
That spans across the Sea

He is broken down
The middle wall
And is Birthing unity

The Bridge is anchored
On the rock
It’s supported by pillars of Prayer

And those who are called
To cross over it
Need only love and care

Use me, Lord
Use me!

~By Jack Huffman
Mt. Forest, Ontario


  1. roman bas

    March 18, 2013

    _________LUKS SO KOOL AND BEAUTIFUL______

  2. Rd Turnbow

    March 18, 2013

    It is like I am seeing the world through an Angel's eyes. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Ftlqed Buster

    March 18, 2013

    My new dog isn't potty trained either, its nifty to have a lethal retard racist, but I can't find dukes of hazard little orphan Anne

  4. March 18, 2013

    아름다워요. Very beautiful…

  5. Shawn Falagan

    March 18, 2013

    You Jen are truly building
    Brighes yourself thks <3

  6. N Raz

    March 18, 2013

    You must know, you share the most beautiful poetry with the most beautiful pictures!! Good Work!! Keep doing it 🙂

  7. Jendhamuni Sos

    March 18, 2013

    +N Raz Just to let you know, most of the poetry and photos here are not written or shot by myself. I provided the source at the bottom of the poem. Thank you for your kind words.

  8. Doris Reeves-Reid

    March 18, 2013

    Let the two paths cross, and be Entwined Once Again.

    Where two roads refuse to meet, yes, God's forgiveness reaches.
    Where two roads are on separate paths the people ignore the differences and need for the roads to come together, the anxiety of the people refuse to walk to the path to where the roads meet up and so they build a bridge our of impatience and poverty has separated.

    Just because two roads are parted doesn't mean they are a force of the people to make the people go this way or that, they are two roads for goodness sake, not a road to control or stop people from crossing or coming or going, they are two roads for a reason.

    However, there comes a time where the burden of being two roads are  going to remain enormous and disable a couple from walking together, and so, a bridge is being built for our two roads to entwine and the people who are forced apart can hug, walk hand in hand once again, to the children of Orangyagonna's.

    Many people walk the same path but few stop to enjoy the expanses it took to get to the road in the first place. Those steps ended up bringing masses of people to a formidable place for communication to arise, for decisions to be made, and bills to become paid.

    Let us not deminish the road workers and warriors who live of the road nor in the sky for it be a skybrindge or a road or railway, our legs, bikes, wheels get us to a better place but our arms keep is in a bear-hug of gratitude. Let us not forget the emotional, poetic, artistic, or internet-superhighway as they have all had to have links created so we can bridge the many embankments that are coming our way in some form or another.

  9. Stella cutie

    March 18, 2013

    beautiful and true!!! 😀 <333 use me Jesus!!! Use me!!!!

  10. Rao Yenigalla

    March 18, 2013

    This is hindu phylosophy too,the comment of Doris is also thoghy provoking

  11. Mario Lopez

    March 18, 2013

    the Paz and the harmony are fundamental things that must prevail in all the nations, the respect and the communion appeases. Attentivly Alberto

  12. kenneth martinez

    March 18, 2013

    Jendhamuni Sos, thank u for those beautiful words , U help me to have faith in GOD so i can be a better person in my daily walk in my life even thou life move so fast , U make me stop and Ur friend Ken..

  13. Stephen Ward

    March 18, 2013

    Beautiful image, it looks like a really beautiful and peaceful place

  14. Karen Johnson

    March 19, 2013

    Good morning and I pray all has as beautiful day, As this picture of this bridge

  15. pskumar

    March 19, 2013

    amazing dearest jendhamuni..

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