Stop thinking too much about the future. A certain amount of planning is good, but there are many, many things that are out of your control. You cannot control what will happen in 5 or 10 years. When it comes down to it, you don't even know what might happen tomorrow. Make a conscious decision to stop worrying so much. When you find yourself obsessing, do something to bring about greater mindfulness, like stepping outside and breathing fresh air for a few moments.
Accept pain. When life brings tragedy, being in the moment means experiencing pain instead of trying to ignore it or make it go away as fast as possible. Allowing yourself to feel negative emotions – fear, guilt, anxiety, sadness, and anger – is an important part of living in the present.
Try not to let your emotions get wrapped up in past occurrences or worries about the future.
Breathe. Taking several deep breaths can help you return to the present moment. During those times when your thoughts are jumping from problem to problem and you can't seem to focus on the present, stop and breathe. Take five deep breaths, inhaling deeply through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Focus on your breath as it enters and leaves your body.
Source: wikiHow
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Michael Cammock
Good advice again, Jendhamuni 🙂
Sukumar msndal
Carlos Bation
Wow ..im back again in island of siquijor
Gwendolyn Davidson
This is so, so, so Sound!! TY. ISMILE
Jendhamuni Sos
+Gwendolyn Davidson Big hugs, dear sister.
jay nargass
Truely said it is necrssary for all
sunan khan
Great refresh way
Jendhamuni Sos
+sunan khan Have a beautiful day!
Gwendolyn Davidson
Thank You Jend, I feel the hugs! Engage in a wonderful W/E. ISMILE. GLUASDI
mohammad alam
Dave Lavis
Beautiful nature photo sister. :o)))
Ajay Agnihotri
Beautiful post Jendhamuni. .Good evening and have a great time ahead.
Ravi tiwari
Lovely dear
Meenu Dubey
jack mahan
Stop thinking? That's what hot on google is? Disgusting. You might as well say throw away your brain and join a religion.
ZB Maslin
Ah, the joys of being a child.
Kelcey Putri
Nice shot
mr akash
Vote nice
Chitra Khilnani
Grow up shit face
Prince Dandewa
Jayesh Thakkar
You are right Jen every second of time changes the situation and we should always keep in mind that " It will not stay for a long time" . But for that particular problematic moments a cooling down exercise is most necessary there as you stated. Good afternoon at my side.
Chitra Khilnani
Gaand maar mere ex friends ke saath from my side
sushilkumar das
like bangladesh
Sudhir Kumar
Brother and sister big hugs
Afaq Jutt
Shankar Kumar Das
Draha Kučerová
hodně za tyto slova povzbuzení děkuju
Willy William
She is the one.
Chitra Khilnani
Grow up son of a manoos
Lawalabdul Dauda
Beautiful children
Chitra Khilnani
Grow of kuthi Chinal ka lauda
sonia milia
Thank you so much for sharing
Shankar Kumar Das
+sonia milia you are most welcome
Soumendra Sanyal
Very nicely said.
vijayasankar koilpillai
After a deep breath break
Chitra Khilnani
Grow up lauda
Shankar Kumar Das
Good morning every bady
Chitra Khilnani
Teri ma ki chud chod bhadwa
janny ann
Thank you for all of your..!!
Shankar Kumar Das
Chitra Kisko gali de rahe ho tum
Chitra Khilnani
Bhadwa ko don't worry he reads everyday and get the msg too
Chitra Khilnani
Just like he fills my life with obstacles every single day heartless and cruel with no thot for how much pain he is giving me . Imagine living every single day in fear and hatred
Chitra Khilnani
Is saal ganpati is ko sabak sikhyega
Chitra Khilnani
For sure