NEWARK, N.J. (AP) — A teenager on a Father's Day visit to Newark to honor his deceased dad died, along with his mother and four others, when a fast-moving fire ripped through a three-story home early Sunday, authorities and the boy's grandmother said.
The blaze broke out at the single-family residence about 4 a.m. and soon spread to another home, the Essex County Prosecutor's office said. Both structures were destroyed.
Iris Sydney, of neighboring Irvington, stood outside the burned-out residence later Sunday, clutching a framed studio portrait of her grandson and his mother. They were supposed to meet her for a Father's Day service at the Solid Rock church, where his father attended services before he died two years ago in a bicycle accident in Newark, she told The Associated Press. But they never showed up. Video and full story
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Mariam Saib
Very sad
Craig Dill
So sad
Jayesh Thakkar
So sad Jen.
Jayesh Thakkar
Good night and take care Jen.
Carlos Bation
Good morning jen, so sad Ingat Lagi
jungwoo yoo
Omg… very sad..
Barry Bettis
I'm very sorry to hear that I feel for you
sriman kamma
Julius Mwaniki
Morning Jen. Very sad indeed.
Jendhamuni Sos
Good morning +Julius Mwaniki Yes, very sad!
Jendhamuni Sos
+Jayesh Thakkar Good night. Sorry, I left home, after posting this news here. Just got back!
Jendhamuni Sos
+Carlos Bation Good morning!
Alicia Calimlim
So sad good morning sister Jen……Have a restful night be safe##
Martina B
Yatheeshkumar R
G morning …
Andrea Love
So sad
Corina Farser
So sad
Jimmy R
The worst ever
Jimmy R
The worst ever
Sparkly Glitter
So sad . May god bless their soul and may their family be in peace ,
Philip Williamson
Please heavenly FATHER reach out with your mighty HAND and bless this wonderful family in their time of need in the blessed name of Jesus Christ whom u sent to die for us to save us and Lord we know that thru u all things are possible Lord you raised the dead and brought it back to life so we know u are real so please Father in Heaven reach out and bless this family in their time of need God Bless You Alll
Corina Farser
Philip williamson such an inspirational prayer God bless you for praying for that family
Philip Williamson
Thank you Miss Fraser and may God in Heaven Bless You Too
Corina Farser
Hina Ahmad
So sad
Akhtar Nadeem
Very nicr