Behind the black curtain, Cambodia is not as beautiful as we think.
The corrupted officials continue to grab the poor people's land every day to feed their cravings.
Hell has three gates: Lust, Anger, and Greed
~Bhagavad Gita
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Ghazi Riman
You are doing a great favor to your beloved country by telling the whole world truth .One day your dreams will come true +Jendhamuni Sos 🙂
Jendhamuni Sos
+Ghazi Riman Our country needs many activists. I am only one helping hand to bring justice to our brothers and sisters.
Kevin C
You are not alone.
Kevin C
Beautiful song
Jendhamuni Sos
Thanks +Kevin C They keep locking us up one at the time.
Kevin C
Make them take all or none.
Kevin C
They do the same thing here really, this is why the anonymous movement, so they don't know who to take.
Kevin C
My concern is that America is being prepared for similar treatment, as the laws are reflecting. I try to keep, whom I can ahead of this, as to nip it in the bud. Very sad.
Vernon Laviolette
Very sad
Jendhamuni Sos
Yes +Vernon Laviolette
mady sach
beautyful video,about the culture
Rene Sidler
I'm so very sorry about the situation in your homeland :(( … more power to you!!
p.swarna kumar
these people should be punished dear jendhamuni….have nice day..
Dietrich Lombarde
Real ,real terrible to see it these horrible greet and corruption all over the world more the ever.
The worst ……..of all in a situation like that is being helpless.
You can never dismiss the gun in peoples hand, because of use less government behavour.