49. The Blessed one taming Nalagiri elephant which was sent to crush him
After the death of King Bimbisara, Devadatta made several attempts to kill the Buddha, but he was not successful. So he went to the elephant-keepers and said to them. “Venerable Theras like us who are recognized by the King can use our influence to get you promotion in your service. Therefore, you had better carry out my instructions. If the Venerable Gotama should pass this way, set the full grown male elephant, Nalagiri, upon Him”.
Nalagiri was a very ferocious elephant which used to gore men to death. The Blessed One, with his retinue of holy monks, was coming into the city of Rajagaha on his alms-round, when the elephant-keepers, desirous of gaining promotion in service, set the full-grown elephant in the direction of the Buddha. The Blessed One stood where he was and sent out his thought of loving-kindness towards the elephant Nalagiri, which was running towards him to crush him down. When the elephant came near the Buddha, it stood quietly before Him listening to the words of advice uttered by Him.
by ASHIN JANAKA BHIVAMSA (Aggamahapandita)
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