"We all are different to create the different things on this planet. Be Great and Proud of yourself every time you contribute something good to your life and the life of others. Don't compare yourself because it brings complexity into your life. You are Whole and Complete, wherever you are in life, so create whatever you like."
~By Sarita Singh
This beautiful ox cart is part of our Cambodian tradition and history. But this famous transportation is becoming an endangered species due to the introduction of engine-driven tractors.
"A bullock cart or ox cart is a two-wheeled or four-wheeled vehicle pulled by oxen (draught cattle). It is a means of transportation used since ancient times in many parts of the world. They are still used today where modern vehicles are too expensive or the infrastructure does not favor them." Wikipedia
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O'Neil Godfrey
Very beautiful photo and nostalgic; have a great week +Jendhamuni Sos🙂
Sarady Kim
ça fait plaisir de vois cette charrette j
Michael Cammock
They still have Horse & Carriage Rides in Central Park in New York, America, I believe. I have never been there but I see they are questioning the practicality of keeping them going in these more modern times as well.
Julius Mwaniki
Its beautiful. Never seen one
Robin Puddicombe
Thats a shame! Cool cart!
rathana FC
at cambodai
jungwoo yoo
Good~~ +Jendhamuni Sos good morning
Carlos Bation
Tulad sa aming BANSA meron ding ganyan
Gale White
Nice picture
Jovelyn Mendoza
Nice,,same as my country we have that kind of cart,,
Carlos Bation
Hi pinay ka lyn mendoza
Colin McIndoe
Great heritage photo Jen!
Chuckowry Maneesha
Nice, long time ago there was ox cart in my country but now it has become very very rare
Elizabeth bailey
Used to know someone who was born in 1868 and have since wondered about his world view of going from the oxcart to the moon.