As you set out on life’s road
unsure of the path you’ll go,
the most important thing you can do
is to always be true to “you”
Always remember who you are
in moments of struggle or fear.
Never forget or give up on
the hopes and dreams you hold dear
There will be setbacks and rejection
and moments of failure too,
but you must overcome any frustration
to achieve the potential of you.
Don’t forget to smile, or laugh,
or to live in the present;
no matter where life takes you
make every memory pleasant.
As you travel along your journey,
know that you’re never alone
and I’ll always be here for you
should you need the comfort of home.
Poem title: Be True To You
By Poetry Pad
Photo courtesy:
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Abid Mansuri
good morning
Darek Beach
Thank you 🙂
Nice scene.. But brige danger…
Eng. Fahad
Nice capture 😉
Shawn Falagan
Thks Jen 🙂
Good night sweet dreams
You sweethaerted women .
God bless the brighe that
Brought me to you :-))))-
Tazein Mirza Saad
Beautifully said! +Jendhamuni Sos
Michael Howell
"You" is the most important.Thanks +Jendhamuni Sos
bhai saab
+Tazein Mirza Saad good morning sweet had breakfast
Tracy Carter
What a dam joke! You tell tales with no meaning! So choke!
Avni Choudhary
Dude i like it
Rao Yenigalla
real life phylosophy like it very much
Donna Vegiard
nayan mahajan
Hi,where is this place as its so beautiful.
Prokriti Banerjee
superrrrrrrr 😀
Roland Wolfgang Friedrich
Sometimes it is sooo difficult to find and go the own way. So it is also important to have a human next to you, to go the steps. This persons could be your parents and when you get older a friend and also your partner.But do not forget your religion….
Donna Vegiard
Awessome I
Donna Vegiard
Kismath Mohamed
Good Morning
Really superb
keara pecora
Donna Vegiard
I agree with what u said…
Donna Vegiard
Good morning friend
vidya sagar
well said with a beautiful capture sos.
vinayak chawan
Nice look
Sachin Salunkhe
Good Moorning dear Jen..Nice Post….
Donna Vegiard
I believe I need a picture
Abin Kanashpakadas
mahesha bob
gd Morning dear so nice
Rana Singh
Good morning..Its so nice
Charles van Dijk
Lovely scenery.
Anwar Al Falah
Nice motivation .
Prahlad Prajapati
ya sometimes
bhadra abhadra
palash kumar
wow lovli
Abin Kanashpakadas
Very nyc
rama samy
Abin Kanashpakadas
pragnya pandey
i wana go
Patrack Muyambo
the only person you can trust on earth is yourself…if u are not true to yourself, then you gon have trust issues
Savan Paun
nice1 🙂
aseel sultan
if you have a will you can do it…..
Abin Kanashpakadas
Thanks I will try my best
Savan Paun
Follow me
Charles van Dijk
Bridges like that look often dangerous and our phobias often stop people crossing them. Fear of change affects us in a similar manner.
kenneth martinez
Thank u for the great words my life is like that alot ,but thank to u give me hope and a smile to be happy…Ken..
nelson katu ichi shimabukuro
bom dia:Jendhamuni Sos, com Deus estarei sempre caminhado ao longo percursos da vida, com suavidade de alcançar os objetivos,e, que Deus nos abençoa a todos,amém,….!!!!
Carles Guerrero
Yes, sometimes with not too much security 😉
Sanjay Sharma
Thank you for posting…the picture has taken me down memory lane..I 2 used to cross river through the similar bridge in my childhood….
Keith Charles
+Jendhamuni Sos Thank you again for an amazing and uplifting post. I am sure you have helped many through your posts and may the Buddhas of all ten directions bless you and your path always!
Happy Shah
nice beautiful seen
Angel Shively
yeaah i know right
Vernon Laviolette
well said
nice place
Rene Sidler
No crossing on the bridge please :))
Jendhamuni Sos
Why not +Rene Sidler That's part of life.
If we don't cross, we will never reach our destination.
We just need to take a careful step.
Rene Sidler
Maybe we should not be too heavy, both together, you know…, I always have my doubts +Jendhamuni Sos :)))
Jendhamuni Sos
I'm about 100 pounds, I should be okay +Rene Sidler
Rene Sidler
I'm 170+ pounds (86kg) , so lets go! +Jendhamuni Sos can you swim? Sure you can :)))
Jendhamuni Sos
I don't know how to swim +Rene Sidler but I know how to fly :))))
Rene Sidler
Sure Miss Butterfly :))))
Anıl Sukgen
Sadece link dağıtarak ve home Office çalışarak para kazanmak ister misiniz? Toplantımıza katılın orada nasıl para kazanacağınızı anlatalım.
Aldair Cota Machado
Eu não consigo disfarçar com sorrisos , quando estou triste!
Reinaldo Santisteban
WOW.that's beautiful,for real.beautiful river…
Vijay Padyal
yes…it is beautiful
shah khn
Wawo bute foll
Austin Evans
the mystery of life is what I see in this picture and that is what I like.
Paul Sanyasi
The flow of living water and the bridge that leads to the other side – of life.
Pedro Cisneros
Alegría Mm
Alegría Mm
eres español
Mekonnen Azmera
Alegría Mm
in sapnhis plis?
Mahdi Mashmool
very good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Reinaldo Santisteban
No mi amor,yo soy Ispano Americano,I live here in New York City….
Estela del Valle
very very beautiful poem, and so so nice pic, dear +Jendhamuni Sos
Reinaldo Santisteban
Hello,my Dear friend,Estela del Valle.Is me Ray Rosario.I'm on mobile
too,by ****@**,Amiga….
Reinaldo Santisteban
Si mi amor in Spanish,tambien.No hay problema con el Idioma.Yo puedo usar
los dos. Dios te Bendiga…Amiga….
Reinaldo Santisteban
Tu eres de los patos, alegro Amiga..
Abin Kanashpakadas
very exiciting pic
mady sach
very great adventure,this bridge,nice capture
eliza mwasoni
where that place find
Abin Kanashpakadas
Capture is beautiful. I don't know wer is this….
Vijay Padyal
very nice for travelling….
Chandu patil