Every time we experience a single day of inner stillness and joy, we are empowered to expand it into a second and a third day. A space opens in our hearts, and when two hearts recognize and acknowledge each other, a connection happens. It happens again and again as other hearts are joined in this stillness. ~LaUna Huffines
+178 This post has been reshared 32 times on Google+
Michael Cammock
A depth of meaning that only comes with true understanding π
John Said
Thank you Jen π
Vinod Pant
Hi jani!
Carlos Bation
Have a wonderful night ..shower joy and happiness..Ingat my Lady
Bernard A Rigaud
Alicia Calimlim
Goodmorning / night sister Jen big hugs .
Bhagaban Panda
good morning sis jen , beautiful post
Smile Always
Good morning Friend! Beautiful post!
Praful Bhanushali
Very nice
Carlos Bation
Goodnight jenh sleep well..Ingat my Lady
Suzanna Ohlwine
I miss you
raja nadeem
Raghav panday
GOOD MORNING , i love this picture liked it soooooo much LUA,,,
Kishan Sondarva
+Jendhamuni Sos …so beautiful…
Charles van Dijk
Good day to you.
Jayesh Thakkar
Paths of love , knowledge and spirituality are free from any bondage and mathematics of alfa numerical codes , love starts with the birth of a child in home and surrounded relationships where there is no need to say "I love you" but such feeling becomes a milestone in life when initially two hearts communicate each other and where a connection heppens . Good morning from my side +Jendhamuni Sosβ .
Asad Hussain
miss u to
madiha rana
miss u 2 jani
Ahmet Mircan
peetala swarna Kumar
Yes madam
Jayant Sahu
Miss u too
Lakana Chaiyanant
Death Vally
miss end found end miss=life
Sarady Kim
jashim uddin
Nice friend. …..
Rajesh Verma
nice words
Mhd Abdul Barek
same to you
Elavanamanomohanan Mohanan
lovely post.Jendhamuni Sos.
Farooq Mian
very nice
Michael Cammock
+Sarady Kim Thank You for Your Google+ π
Carlos Bation
+Sarady Kim thank you again +1
Chantel Bell
Michael Cammock
Could not agree more π
Madhusudan jena