You should not do anything you do not want to do just to fit in or to impress others. It is impossible for you to please everyone or to make everyone happy. You must be yourself and sometimes decision has to be made even if you have to face criticism. Remember, no one in this world will praise you all the time and no one in this world will criticize you all the time either. Happiness comes and goes, so does suffering. You should do what is right for you, what makes you happy because you are the one who have to live your life. Not doing what others tell you to do, does not mean you don’t love them. For example: I am a vegetarian. I don’t drink or smoke either. My friends always begged me to eat meat and consume a little alcohol whenever I joined them at the cookout. Of course, I would never do what they wanted me to, no matter how much they begged me because I do what I believe is right for me. You must build a strong roof so there is shelter that can protect you from the rain. Do not let anyone change you to be the person you do not want to be. Always follow your heart, not the voice in your head. ~Jendhamuni
Chandrakant Patil
Hello Leelavadee,
I like your thoughts about independance views to grow up personality
Your blog is informative & I like it.
Chandrakant Patil,
Thank you so much!