A glow on your face

Smile is completed when it begins
with your lips, reflects in your eyes,
and ends with a glow on your face.
I wish you many smiling moments in your life.

Do you know the difference between your smile and my smile? You smile when you are happy, and, I smile, when I see you happy.




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  1. Balasubramaniam Somu

    December 30, 2014

    i smile when i see others happy or sad and try to make them happy

  2. Shital Kumar Harnal

    December 30, 2014

    Hi Jen,
    Thanks for you smiling post. A smile is the universal language of kindness.

  3. Carlos Bation

    December 30, 2014

    Ohhh..thank U ..wishing U are always smiling and have a great time ahead ..good health be safe..Ingat my Love my Dear my beautiful Lady


    December 30, 2014

    Thanks so much JEN ¡¡¡♥♥♥
    I'm also !!!!


    December 30, 2014

    Yes you keep me smiling I have learned the best benefits of smiling – thank you Jendhamuni

  6. sulaikhal beevi

    December 30, 2014

    Beautiful post …
    .have a great peaceful beautiful day waiting for you my dearest sister….

  7. Ajay Agnihotri

    December 30, 2014

    Nice thought and beautiful rose..

  8. Suzanne Tan

    December 30, 2014

    +Jendhamuni Sos Your profile pic always SMILING!!! Keep it up, love it. Have an awesome day ahead. Blessings upon you and family.

  9. Jayesh Thakkar

    December 30, 2014

    Happiness comes to heart when you find your loved one happy. Good evening from my side +Jendhamuni Sos​.

  10. shaziya shaz

    December 30, 2014

    Well said "jen u are an true soul

  11. palesa Ramuema

    December 30, 2014

    love it…keep de smile burning my dear It's for de bst

  12. Sharon Fletcher

    December 30, 2014

    That's a beautiful rose Jen . You have to laugh alot and smile alot to keep you from crying . That's part of a healthy life .

  13. Bhagaban Panda

    December 30, 2014

    so beautiful post sis jen , good night

  14. samrah shafi

    December 30, 2014

    what a beautiful rose i like it

  15. Raghav panday

    December 30, 2014

    Good morning from ooty,,,, very cold here ,,,, well thank you so much for giving every single moment in my life oh fairy ,,,,, you are the only reason I hv glow on my face , my life was desert for long long time but U came like a rain to soften my life ,,,, oh fairy because of you I have started dreaming ,,,, my eyes are thirsty to see you ,,,, my lips wants to say something in to your ears ,,,,, I want to get more close to you I mean another step ,,,,, in the beginning I thought our friendship is not going to last long ,,, but now I can say if you are with me nobody can separate us,,,, and I can smell the fragrance of ur love as I love you more then anything ,,,,,LUA,,,,,

  16. samrah shafi

    December 30, 2014

    what a beautiful red rose

  17. nouran abdo

    December 30, 2014

    you are a good and a Romancy women

  18. johnjani janardhan

    December 30, 2014

    Hello sos ,keep it up ur smile …for a long time

  19. Suhail Bhaisa

    December 30, 2014

    Hallo jau How ar you your name

  20. ayan khan

    December 30, 2014

    Happy new year

  21. ayan khan

    December 30, 2014

    Hello far end I am toking and dosti

  22. ayan khan

    December 30, 2014

    Seam too thanks

  23. ayan khan

    December 30, 2014

    OK far end Karl milte hi

  24. ayan khan

    December 30, 2014

    OK far end Karl milte hi

  25. Sam J

    December 30, 2014

    Keep it up vry nice

  26. Cathy kish

    December 30, 2014

    Yap l believe with you sister jen!

  27. ayan khan

    December 30, 2014

    Good morning archana

  28. ayan khan

    December 30, 2014

    Good morning and happy 31 decm happy new year 15

  29. Yogesh Pol

    December 30, 2014

    Happy New Year!!!

  30. jai kannan k

    December 31, 2014

    I smile when all others around me are happy.. incl you

  31. An Ros

    December 31, 2014

    Thank your for your rose and wish you are success all affairs

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