but a horse does not mind!
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This post has been reshared 81 times on Google+
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Katariya Jasubhai
Suzanne Tan
+Jendhamuni Sos good morning. Have a happy day ahead.
Jendhamuni Sos
+Suzanne Tan Good morning, dear. We had a heavy storm here. Lost power for a while.
Suzanne Tan
Have faith, the power will be back. Can I ask you where are you living? 🙂 I love your post, very inspiring with beautiful and touching message.
Ravi tiwari
Jendhamuni Sos
+Suzanne Tan We just got the power back. That's why I'm able to post again. But could lose again any time soon because of the hurricane. I live near Boston, in USA. Thank you so much.
shehu yahya
nice jendhamuni sos.
Jendhamuni Sos
Good morning +shehu yahya
maraga kora
Suzanne Tan
+Jendhamuni Sos You are welcome. Have a good night. I am retiring to bed now. See your post tomorrow morning. Take care & god bless YOU. ;-)).
Doug Palmer
A Horse and his dog
Mamta Aggarwal
Good morning jen ☺ have a nic day ☆
Jendhamuni Sos
+Mamta Aggarwal Good morning, dear. Pretty bad storm right now.
Alicia Calimlim
Good morning my dearest sister how are u.?
Durga Giri
Jendhamuni Sos
+Alicia Calimlim Good morning, dear sister. The thunder seems to calm down for a while right now. I could see the lightening from inside my window. We are expecting a hurricane, but will be a weak hurricane.
Jendhamuni Sos
+Doug Palmer That's it!
Hi friends good morning
Have a nice day
Alicia Calimlim
BE SAFE AND AND TAKE CARE MY SISTER ……are u scared of lightning and
thunder coz i do .
Jendhamuni Sos
+Alicia Calimlim Thank you, sister. I am fine. I used to be scared of lightning and thunder when I was a little girl, but not anymore.
Raghav panday
That's right ,,,,,
Ponmani Sekar
Super supervisor
nanditha srinath
Hi! This one is too good habbit of horse is really awesome
Kari Nakajima
Poor pup this is a cute tug of war.
mala bhutani
So funny
Chuckowry Maneesha
They are adorable animals
Jayesh Thakkar
It says that next second of our life is uncertain. Have a peaceful night Jen.
Elizabeth S
What is that saying…."The grass is always greener on the other side"?
Mamta Aggarwal
Take care of yourself Jen ☆
Animesh nandi
wow funny..
emma mason
that's cute!
axija charles
+Elizabeth S exactly:D
Jose Lukose
Anchoring the horse
Terry Nganga
Thats nyc, morning Jend
Kishan Sondarva
Very nice…Jen..dr…!!!
hoi pee
Awww that is so cute I wish my horses and dogs got alone that much
Bhupender kumar Airi
Deepaa Gunalan
jay nargass
Very good friends
Sara Zinnera
Hi jen
Gloris Thibert
Love that
Samiksha Rimal
I love dogs so much
alice debeco
il est fort se chien
Thomas Farr
Lol kool
Rajvi Oza
Sherri Sheeler
Who's the boss
Maria Szennyai
What a patience!
shravan naga
its nice i like that dog its taking care about the horse ☺☺
sarita bhujel
ha..ha… clever…dog….
anjaly saleejan
feel sorry for the dog……..
Maria Ortiz
Doggie wants to go for a walk.
Patricia Barentine
Why does that dog move that horse?
Karen Corrigan
rebeka sakthi
ha ha brilliant.
Susi Gadjoe
Who is leading who??
Rosalinda Paulino
Oh my good God it is so nice see how this dog can manage the horse.
Maria Szennyai
Insteed of lawnmower….
Dokta Laura
That's what I call a round up.
Harvinder Jangra
nic pic
knight Owl
He is doggedly trying to stop him horsing around!
Veronica Schommer
Maria Esther Figueroa O.
Es hermoso….!!!!
Bernice State
The. Dog. Can.t. eat. The. Grass. And. He. Don't. Want. The. Horse. To. Eat. It
Andrea Middleton
Pup's saying, 'will you just hurry up horsey, my favourite programme is just about to start, gotta get home! ' x
Michael Anthony
It's a 50-50 combination of both versions.
Jendhamuni Sos
+Andrea Middleton I love that!
Cora Anderson
Come on!!!! lets go go go go go!!!
Reshma Kurian
dog acting like the human
Falcon Al Azzawi
+Jendhamuni Sos Fantastic & Nice
Shadab aalam
Ha ha…
Emmanuel Onyia
Lets go home
Avery the fox
Lanie Pineda
Hahaha lol
rose lea
Awwww! That's funny cute! Hahaha
Sangeeta Joshi
Avery the fox
its like come on stupid stop eating grass!
Sangeeta Joshi
+Avery the fox Hehehehehehehe
Md. Afroz Alam
goswami krishan
anjaly saleejan
nice one
Yaneli Herrera
U guys r mean
Michael Daniel
so ,nice this.
Very Fanny.
Aldair Cota Machado
O cavalo esta com fome!
allau theen
Nirvair singh virk
Pravin Mohite
nice but u shared already this..nice!!
Aylidge Yemer
ayel yemer
Vida Hibbert
This dog really in the mood for play
Darren Koopman
Do you trust me? I want you and if you give me a chance to prove it…then we could be a helloff a team