A spokeswoman for a leading online video site, Youku, said it had received notification on Saturday not to show sitcom "The Big Bang Theory," political and legal drama "The Good Wife," crime drama "NCIS" and legal drama "The Practice." Of those, Youku showed only "The Good Wife." The State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television didn't give a reason for its order, said the spokeswoman, who couldn't be named because of company policy…Read more
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Good post
Avant de publier de telle série le comité de censure n'ont étéavisé? Pcq maintenat la personne de bienfaissance est là. DIEU BENISE TOUT CEUX QUI ONT CRU EN SA PAROLE. AMINA.
Hi!!! How are you? I wish a good job and a nice day. Bye bye.
I'm doing fine. Thank you +Augustin Mukanya