If your mind becomes firm like a rock
and no longer shakes
In a world where everything is shaking
Your mind will be your greatest friend
and suffering will not come your way.
~Buddhist poem from the Therigatha
The Buddha said, “Conquer anger by non-anger. Conquer evil by good. Conquer miserliness by liberality. Conquer a liar by truthfulness.”(Dhammapada, v. 233)
So calming
Beautiful photo!
Best wishes to you for new year and wish you a great itme ahead.
Happy New Year My dear angel sister!!!!!!
My dear +Jendhamuni Sos
Thanks for 2012 and your shared insights. I look forward for 2013 in your company. Blessings and peace to you!
Thank you +Ole Nors for being part of us on g+!
Thank you so much +Randy Neufeldt
Thank you for the best wishes +Harit Doshi May New Year 2013 bring you Peace and Happiness always.
You are here my dear brother +Sameer Uppal Don't forget to smile okay brother. Don't fall in love too much.
Happy New Year+Jendhamuni Sos. Super work!
Happy New Year, my dear +Андрей Тульчинский !
O Primeiro dos Bens, DEPOIS da Saúde, E a paz interior.
Paz para você e sua família Jendhamuni!
Os ídolos deles são prata e ouro, obra das mãos do homem. Têm boca, mas não falam; têm olhos, mas não vêem; têm ouvidos, mas não ouvem; têm nariz, mas não cheiram; têm mãos, mas não apalpam; têm pés, mas não andam; nem som algum sai da sua garganta. Semelhantes a eles sejam os que fazem, e todos os que neles confiam.
Salmos 115:4-8
Ora, as obras da carne são manifestas, as quais são: a prostituição, a impureza, a lascívia, a idolatria, a feitiçaria, as inimizades, as contendas, os ciúmes, as iras, as facções, as dissensões, os partidos, as invejas, as bebedices, as orgias, e coisas semelhantes a estas, contra as quais vos previno, como já antes vos preveni, que os que tais coisas praticam não herdarão o reino de Deus.
Gálatas 5:19-21
Thank you so much for stopping by +Mikkal Raj
Thank you +Walter Antonio da Cruz for sharing this beautiful lesson. Thanks to google translation.
o quê??
Peace and Happiness to you and your loved ones, my dear +Osvaldo de Aguiar
A flor de Lotus: Escute sua mente e CORRA pra lotérica.
Linda imagem
Runny a lotter:)))) +Marcio M
wonderful flowers
happy new year sister!…
amazing picture! Happy New Year, +Jendhamuni Sos
stunning! yes inner peace is very important! Have a fantastic time!
Thank you so much +Liomir Oliveira Happy New Year!
Thank you, my dear +mady sach!
Thanks so much for stopping by +Fabi Ferreira
Thank you +Anatoliy Urbanskiy ! Happy New Year!!!
Thank you so much for my dear +Mikko Tyllinen
Thank you +Nalinda Jeewappriya
HAPPY NEW YEAR +Jendhamuni Sos Amida Budda …. Wish your new year more healthy & happiness also more peaceful in our world ~~~~
feliz ano novo para voce tambem Jendhamuni Sos;que o ano novo seja repleto de felicidade e harmonmia…!
Oi muottt ! Deeeee
Thank you so much for the kind wish +nelson katu ichi shimabukuro!
Thank you so much my dearest +Kenneth Chow for the wonderful wishes!!!
Happy New Year +Cristiane Macedo Santos
Happy New Year +Aldair Cota Machado !
Ooooooo…..this is stunning Jendha…………and very beautiful thoughts to go with it.
Happy New Year to you +Jendhamuni Sos.
Thank you so much +Vinaya Dass !
Happy New Year +Valdi Barros !
Happy New Year & Ever lasting Peace!! +Jendhamuni Sos
Happy New Year & Ever lasting Peace!! +Jendhamuni Sos hope u well.
Dear sister +Jendhamuni Sos :-)) Have a Happy New Year 2013….I'm off line sister….Probably I'll be back soon. Peace and Love to you
Happy New Year, my dear sister +Patricia Errazuriz I missed you! I have not heard from your for a while! It's 7:39pm here. New Year almost arrives sister.
+Jendhamuni Sos love the poem, quote, and image! SO true!
Me too +Alan Peto Buddhism That's what Buddhist practitioners should do to attain Peace…
Agreed +Jendhamuni Sos
Duas flores lindas felizes Ano Novo.
I ai galera to na aria
Happy new year +喜八仲田
Happy New Year +Adeilton Barbosa
Great words
Thanks +Danny Thesan
Wishing you a wonderful day.